Introduction. Part one: Contacts. 1. Ottoman Sources of Information on Europe in the Eighteenth Century (reproduced with permission from Archivum Ottomanicum 11 (1986(1988)) 5-16). 2. Ottoman Political Writing, 1768-1808 (reproduced with permission from International Journal of Middle Eastern Studies, 25 (1993). 53-69). 3. Is There a Turk in the Turkish Spy? (reproduced with permission. from Eighteenth-Century Fiction 6 (1994) 201-214) 5. ğChoiseul-Gouffier at the Porte, 1784-1792 (reproduced with permission from Studies on Ottoman Diplomatic History 4. (1990) 27-34). 4. An Ottoman Portrait of Frederick the Great (reproduced with permission from Oriente Moderno n.s. 18 (1999 ), 203-15, special issue: The Ottoman Empire in the Eighteenth Century,. Kate Fleet, ed.). 5. Locating the Ottomans Among Early Modem Empires (reproduced with permission from Journal of Early Modern History 3 (1999),. 21-39). 6. Breaking the Spell of the Baron de Tott: Reframing the Question. of Military Reform in the Ottoman Empire, 1760-1830. (reproduced with permission from International History Review. 24 (2002), 253-77). Part two: Conflicts.. 1. Ottoman War and Warfare 1453-1812 (reproduced with permission from Jeremy Black, ed., War and Warfare in the Early Modern. World, 1450- 1815 (London, 1999), 147-176). 2. The One-Eyed Fighting the Blind: Mobilization, Supply and Command in the Russo-Turkish War of 1768-1808 (reproduced with permission from International History Review xv (1993). 221-238). 3. Ottoman Military Recruitment Strategies in the Late Eighteenth Century (reproduced with permission from E. Zurcher, ed. Arming the State: Military Conscription in the Middle East and Central. Asia 1775-1925 (New York, 1999), 21-39) . 4. Feeding the Ottoman Troops on the Danube,1768-1774 (reproduced. with permission from War and Society 13 (1995) 1-14). 5. Whatever Happened to the Janissaries? Mobilization for the 1768- 1774 Russo-Ottoman War (reproduced with permission from War. in History, 5 (1998), 23-36). 6. Mutiny and the Eighteenth Century Ottoman Army (reproduced with permission from Turkish Studies Association Bulletin 22. (1998) 116-25). 7. "Manning a Black Sea Garrison in the 18th Century: Ochakov and Concepts of Mutiny and Rebellion in the Ottoman Context (reproduced with permission from International Journal of Turkish. Studies 8 (2002) 63-72). .